Category: Awards

(English) Mountain biking Mecca is Wales’s number one


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Chwefror 24, 2011


Gethin â’r byd wrth ei draed

Gethin Hughes and Pete Williams

Mae myfyriwr prifysgol wedi ennill medal efydd ym mhencampwriaethau tae kwon do y byd.

Brwydrodd Gethin Ceidiog Hughes o Ddinbych, sy’n 18 oed, ei ffordd i rownd gynderfynol y twrnamaint a gynhaliwyd yn Arena Ryngwladol Telford.

Yn ôl ei hyfforddwr, Pete Williams, roedd yr hyn a gyflawnodd Gethin yn fwy rhyfeddol fyth oherwydd iddo anafu ei ben-glin a cholli llawer o amser hyfforddi yn y cyfnod cyn y digwyddiad.

Mae Gethin, sy’n gyn-ddisgybl yn Ysgol Glan Clwyd, Llanelwy, bellach yn astudio Dylunio Cynnyrch yn UWIC yng Nghaerdydd.

Dechreuodd ymarfer tae kwon do, crefft ymladd sy’n deillio o Gorea, bedair blynedd yn ôl ac mae’n mynychu dosbarthiadau Pete yng Nghanolfan Hamdden Llanelwy.

Y llynedd enillodd Gethin fedal aur ym Mhencampwriaethau Caeedig Cymru yng Nghaerdydd a medal efydd ym Mhencampwriaethau Prydain yn Henffordd.

Ond roedd pencampwriaethau’r byd yn Telford yn dipyn mwy o her iddo gan fod yno 2,000 o gystadleuwyr o bob cwr o’r byd, o lefydd mor bell i ffwrdd ag America ac Awstralia.

Bu mab Pete, Terry, a enillodd fedal efydd ym mhencampwriaethau’r byd ei hun ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, yn ymarfer paffio gyda Gethin yn yr wythnosau cyn y digwyddiad, lle’r oedd yn cystadlu yn adran pwysau ysgafn y dynion i rai â belt coch.

Meddai: “Roedd hi’n gystadleuaeth andros o galed ac roeddwn wrth fy modd o fod wedi ennill medal efydd ym mhencampwriaethau’r byd.

“Rhaid i mi dalu teyrnged i Pete oherwydd mae o’n hyfforddwr hollol wych ac roedd y sesiynau ymarfer paffio gyda Terry yn help mawr i mi.”

Mae Pete, o Fynydd Isa, ger yr Wyddgrug, yn dal belt du 4ydd Dan. Mae wedi cymhwyso’n llawn fel hyfforddwr gyda Chymdeithas Tae Kwon Do Prydain ac mae’n dysgu tae kwon do yn Llanelwy ers 10 mlynedd.

Meddai: “Yma yn Llanelwy dw i’n ceisio helpu plant i ddod yn well, i ofalu amdanyn nhw eu hunain ac i fagu hyder ynddyn nhw eu hunain.

“Mae’n helpu i roi hyder iddyn nhw mewn bywyd ac yn dysgu hunanddisgyblaeth a hunanreolaeth iddyn nhw. Mae’n eich dysgu i barchu pobl eraill.

“Yn yr wythnosau’n arwain at bencampwriaethau’r byd, bu Gethin yn ymarfer paffio gyda Terry mewn sesiynau hyfforddi ychwanegol ar foreau Sadwrn.

“Mae Gethin wedi dangos bod ganddo’r ymrwymiad a’r gallu.

“Yn anffodus, cafodd anaf cyn y gystadleuaeth. Pe byddai wedi gallu hyfforddi i’r eithaf, rwy’n bur siŵr y gallai fod wedi ennill pencampwriaeth y byd yn reit hawdd.

“Dw i wrth fy modd oherwydd mae hyn yn glod aruthrol i glwb mor fach.

“Roedd yna gystadleuwyr o bob cwr o’r byd ac mae’n rhagorol fod Gethin wedi dod yn drydydd yn y byd. Mae’n gyrhaeddiad ardderchog.”

Cynhelir y dosbarthiadau tae kwon do yng Nghanolfan Hamdden Llanelwy bob nos Fercher a nos Wener rhwng 7pm ac 8pm, gyda dosbarthiadau i blant iau rhwng 10am ac 11am ar fore Sadwrn. Mae’r wers flasu gyntaf yn rhad ac am ddim

Chwefror 21, 2011


Angel Katie is now a champion elf too!

Angel Katie is now a champion elf too!

A little girl from Wrexham has been chosen as the first ever Champion Elf of Wales.

Katie Jones, three, was chosen by a panel of judges headed by the man of the moment, Santa Claus.

The Welsh National Elf Service Championships were held at the Debenhams store at the Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre in Wrexham.

Apart from Santa, the other guests of honour included the Mayor and Mayoress of Wrexham, Cllr Jim Kelly, and his wife Elizabeth, and the children were entertained by award-winning magician Jay Gatling.

It’s hoped the Elf Championships will now become an annual event.

Appropriately, winning elf Katie will be celebrating her fourth birthday on Christmas Eve.

Mum Angela said: “It’s been brilliant and the kids have been excited all day.  I spent all morning doing her hair and getting her make-up right.

“I couldn’t believe that she is the first ever Champion Elf of Wales – and she’s an angel in her nursery school nativity play this year.”

Two other Elves, Noah Murray Jones, four and half, from Holywell, and Abbie Jones, from Wrexham, were chosen as Highly Commended Elves.

Noah’s mum, Emma, said: “I think it’s very well organised and it was great and the magician show topped it all off nicely. Noah is thrilled.”

Equally delighted was Abbie’s mum, Rachel, who added “She loves this kind of thing, she was so excited. She couldn’t wait and she’s had a whale of a time. It’s a very exciting time of year – kids love it and so do the mums.”

The proceedings were hosted by former children’s television presenter Nia Ceidiog, who hails from Wrexham.

These days she’s the boss of an independent television production company and will be attending a very different event next Sunday.

Her documentary series for pre-school children, Y Diwrnod Mawr (Big Day), has been shortlisted for a Children’s BAFTA and she will be attending the ceremony at London’s Park Lane Hilton next Sunday evening.

She said: “I love working with children and the Elf Championships are a  lovely idea. Let’s face it, Santa is going to be extremely busy between now and Christmas and he can do with all the help he can get. We had some really fantastic elves  here today. They’ve all done Santa proud.”

Cllr Jim Kelly said: “I have really enjoyed myself here today, it’s been tremendous. A big part of my role is to be out in the community, being the civic face of Wrexham and saying thank  you to everybody and it’s lovely to see the children here, it brings their families in and it’s the start of the festive season.

“The effort that they’ve made is fantastic. We need more events like this and let’s not forget this is a historic occasion, we have the first ever Elf Champion of Wales. Wrexham is setting the trend as usual.”

Head Judge Santa was delighted with the standards of Elves who came forward to take part.

He said: “I can see that Wrexham is the perfect venue for the Welsh National Elf Service Championships and I’m planning to be back next year.”

Father Christmas was assisted on the judging panel by Rob Mannix, the Manager of Debenhams, and Kevin Critchley, the Manager of the Eagles Meadow shopping centre.

Rob said: “It was a magical occasion. I think this will become an annual event and hopefully next year we’ll have even more young children vying for the opportunity to help Santa.”

Kevin added: “I absolutely loved it. It was great to see the smiling faces of the children and the real apprehension on the faces of the parents.

“I’m not sure who took it more seriously, the children or the parent – but everybody enjoyed it.

“There were some remarkably good elves here and I think Santa can take quite a few of them to help him pack the presents and making toys for the children.

“They were very enthusiastic about the idea of working hard, they’ve put a lot of effort into it and one little girl pointed out that working hard was the most important thing an elf had to do.”

Chwefror 21, 2011

Awards, Newyddion

Caring quartet have the X-Factor

Caring quartet have the X-Factor

Forget the X Factor – the remarkable qualities of the Fab Four of social care have created a bit of history.

For the first time ever, the prestigious Dignity in Care Award was shared between a quartet of contenders at the Wales Care Awards, organised by Care Forum Wales.

The judges decided that Marian Ryles, Juli Andrew, Inti Zirga and Fay Louise Gallagher all deserved the Gold award.

The accolade was sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government and the awards were presented by the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Gwenda Thomas AM.

Speaking at the awards ceremony at Cardiff City Hall, Head Judge Jan Wood said: “The standards this year were particularly high and it was absolutely impossible to separate this very special quartet in the Dignity in Care category. They all deserved gold.”

For her part Marian Ryles has now emulated Dame Kelly Holmes by completing a golden “double” after several thrilling experiences.

She completed a parachute jump, abseiled down a cliff and had a go at canoeing but she admitted that her latest achievement left her speechless.

The 56-year-old grandmother won gold in the category for Supported Living Care Practitioner, which was sponsored by Pendine Park Teaching Care Centre and ACT Training. The awards were presented at a ceremony in Cardiff City Hall.

To her amazement she was then named as one of four joint winners of the Dignity in Care Award.

For the past 19 years Marian has worked for the St Asaph-based care organisation Cartref Ni, and for much of that time has been a support worker for people with learning difficulties living in their own home in the Prestatyn.

Marian said she was shocked and embarrassed to be nominated for doing something which she enjoyed so much.

Undaunted, she has taken part in several exciting activities including a parachute jump and abseil down a cliff in Loggerheads to raise money for St Kentigern Hospice.

“To win one gold was amazing, but I couldn’t believe it when they gave me the Dignity in Care Award as well,” she said.

Television presenter Jason Mohammed could plainly see the shock on the face of Julia Andrew, from Aberystwyth, when she also claimed a double success.

She confessed that she was absolutely stunned when her name was announced at the ceremony at which the TV presenter was MC.

For she received not only a silver award in this year’s Wales Care Awards organised by Care Forum Wales but was one of four joint winners of the Dignity in Care award.

Julia, a former firefighter who for the past four years has been Care Manager for Crossroads Mid and West Wales, had been nominated in the category for Leadership and Management in Supported Living Care, sponsored by Christie and Co.

She commented: “Without a great team Crossroads would not be Crossroads. I enjoy working with the team to get them motivated.”

A Swedish woman, Inti Zirga, joined the roll of honour and dedicated her awards to her boss.

She won a gold award in the category for Residential Care Practitioner, sponsored by Barchester Healthcare and was then stunned to be called up onto the stage a second to learn that she was one of four joint winners of the Dignity in Care Award.

Inti, 32, is a senior carer and deputy manager at the Newton Grange Care Home in Newton, Swansea, where her manager, Roberta Rowe, described her as “one in a million”.

She was “over the moon” to have received the awards, and added: “I am dedicating them to Bobby (Roberta) because I couldn’t have done it without her. I came here as a very raw 21-year-old she taught me everything.”

First for Fay Louise Gallagher came a silver for Leading Practice in Learning Disability Services, which was sponsored by Mental Health Care before finding that she, too, had won a gold award for Dignity in Care,

Fay Louise is a support worker for Care Management Group of Pontllanfraith, Blackwood, and was nominated by Rachel Hawkins,  residential services manager.

She believes that clients, whatever their problems, should be able to follow their interests and passions, just like anyone else.

She said:  “After getting the silver, to receive a gold award came as a shock. I’m really pleased and it was a lovely evening.

“I’ve had many messages of congratulations, including from the company head in London, and I’m hoping that these awards will lead to greater things in my career.”

The Deputy Minister said Care Forum Wales  continued to play an important role in advocating the importance of Dignity in Care.

She also congratulated the organisation on the work they were doing to train “dignity ambassadors.”

Mrs Thomas added: “I know how important initiatives such as this that embed dignity in care for all staff are in taking forward this work.

“To demonstrate this commitment in practical terms and to provide support to this work, I have set aside £150,000 to support a number of developments across Wales.

“About 20 small projects have benefited from receiving a small amount of funding from this pot.

“All of these have as their fundamental aim an innovative and person-centred approach to looking at ways that they can take forward the dignity in care agenda.”

Chwefror 21, 2011
